Detailed information about EITS and our cyber security services.
Take the first step towards a better security posture by knowing every device and application connected to your network with a comprehensive asset and application inventory audit from EITS.
Understanding your organization's vulnerabilities and prioritizing them is key to forming a strategic approach to risk management. Learn how EITS can help you with a security assessment.
Our HealthCheck brings visibility to opportunities for improvement, prioritizes them, enables structured remediation where needed, and reports on quantifiable improvements over time.
When an attack on your organization's private data occurs, you want a fast response from a team that thinks like hackers and can stop them cold. Learn why EITS' incident response methodology is the right choice.
EITS' penetration testing simulates a real-world example of how an attack could affect your business. Get all the information you need to know your weaknesses and remediation guidance to close the gaps.
EITS’ vulnerability management team works with you to identify and categorize all assets/software vulnerabilities, as well as tune any existing vulnerability management processes you may have in place.
Simplify user credential management and enforce strong authentications for all users, devices, and apps from a central location.
Data risk governance that enables your organization to take control of your sensitive data to reduce data risks, compliance scopes, and unauthorized access.
Designed to keep your first line of defense ironclad. EITS’ NGFW management as a service ensures you are maximizing your return on this investment.
A managed service that identifi es your network access vulnerabilities to address the ever-evolving threat landscape.
EITS can simulate a variety of attack chains from initial access to data exfiltration, visualize security control failures, and provide comprehensive directions for remediation to remove coverage blind spots.
Learn more about EITS, all of our services, and how our capabilities make us the go-to solution for so many organizations' cyber security needs.
Need a quick rundown of our cyber security service and our technology solutions partner network? Download our brief for a high-level understanding.
Leverage the full capabilities of our IT staff to ensure your network’s security and functionality is operating at peak performance.