Migration To Next-Generation Firewalls ​

Special Offer: Free Best Practice Assessment on a Network Segment
*Offer good until 12/31/2023

Designed to keep your first line of defense ironclad 24/7

The EITS firewall management as a service prioritizes improvement opportunities and enables success with the platform agnostic Next Generation Firewall through a proven, structured process. Findings are given a “Value” rating based on risk to the organization, level of effort to remediate, and complexity of the change. We work with your team to plan and execute changes, and report quantifiable improvements following each firewall health check. By repeating the health check process on a regular schedule, we can show tangible improvements in your security environment over time.

Why Migrate to Next-Gen Firewalls?

Future-Proof Security
NGFWs are tailored for modern cyber threats, ensuring your organization's defense stays ahead of the curve.
Deep Packet Inspection
Beyond port and protocol, NGFWs scrutinize data within packets for granular security.
Enhanced Visibility
Gain unparalleled insight into applications, users, and content traversing your network.
Comprehensive Threat Protection
Benefit from integrated IPS, anti-malware, and advanced threat defenses.
Simplified Management
Centralized platforms reduce the intricacies of managing multiple security policies.
Expertise & Custom Solutions
EITS offers experience-driven guidance, ensuring migrations are seamless and tailored to your needs.
Cost Efficiency
Consolidate multiple security functions, saving on long-term investment and maintenance.
Dedicated Support
EITS provides ongoing assistance, ensuring your NGFW remains optimized and up-to-date.

Why EITS For Your Firewall Migration To NGFW?

Beyond A Traditional Firewall

5 Core Benefits to Organizations

Breach Prevention With State-of-the-art Security
Deep Network Visibility
Faster Time to Detection
Automation and Tool Integrations
Flexible Management and Utilization Options

Cost Of A Breach - Global View

USD 4.45M*
Global Average total cost of a breach The average cost of a data breach reached an all-time high in 2023 of USD 4.45 million. 2.3% increase from the 2022 cost of USD 4.35 million. Average cost has increased 15.3% from USD 3.86 million in the 2020 report
USD 1.76M*
Lower data breach costs compared to organizations that didn’t use security AI and automation. Organizations that used these capabilities extensively within their approach experienced, on average, a 108-day shorter time to identify and contain the breach

*IBM Security Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023

See how EITS helped


Healthcare NGFW Migration
Secure and Compliant Palo Alto NGFW Migration for a Large Healthcare
NGFW Migration for a Large Bank
Secure and seamless Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) Migration for a Large Regional Bank
Palo NGFW Migration Service for a Manufacturing Company
Seamless Migration to a NGFW for XYZ Manufacturing Corporation

EITS Firewall Migration Sample Timeline

Total Economic Impact

*"What is the estimated time it took your organization to achieve steady state security posture with NGFW versus point solutions?"

(Displaying top 5 results only)

*The Total Economic Impact™ Of Palo Alto Networks For Network Security And SD-WAN 2021 A FORRESTER TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ STUDY COMMISSIONED BY PALO ALTO NETWORKS

Contact us to learn more about how we can help your organization improve and maintain proactive firewall security.

Tactical priorities drive operational personnel, which usually doesn’t allow time to assess current deployments against best practices. In addition, multiple people often maintain the environment by applying different processes and standards. As a result, lack of standardization is a considerable challenge during times of change. Additionally, many organizations are now required to perform third-party firewall audits, and ETIS’ firewall management as a service can help meet these requirements.
firewall management
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