Support Contracts

An agile solution designed to maximize your investment

How a support contract compares to a pre-paid bucket of hours

Support Contracts


Bucket Hours

How a support contract compares to a pre-paid bucket of hours

Support Contracts


Bucket Hours

Keep your security on track and stay ahead of the curve with a Support Contract

Keep your security on track and stay ahead of the curve with a Support Contract

Partnering with EITS to leverage the knowledge of our cyber security and engineering staff will save your IT department countless hours in monitoring and mitigating hacking threats. In addition, an SLA provides measurable results and clearly defines responsibilities to ensure we meet your expectations.

The Benefits of an Service Level Agreement

Clear & Measurable Guidelines

An SLA ensures you and your service provider are on the same page regarding standards and service. Defined expectations keeps everyone on the same page.

Ensures Service Obligations

Having an SLA in place protects your organization should your cyber security provider fail to meet the performance standards defined in the document.

Provides Peace of Mind

Consider an SLA as an insurance policy against attacks and network failure. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your sensitive data and network integrity is secure.

The SLA mindset benefits business and consumers

Businesses are constantly competing to provide lower-cost/higher-value goods and services to their customers in today’s competitive landscape. In the consumer’s eyes, quality of service, speed, and cost are the primary deciding factors.
By establishing service level agreements, a service provider commits to delivering a standard service performance to their customers. The Service Level is a measurement of current service performance and efficacy.

Stay on Top of Current Security Threats

The cyberattack landscape is a rapidly evolving dark industry. With the rising volume of remote device connectivity, hackers are finding new opportunities to exploit sensitive data. Vulnerabilities of high criticality are no longer the singular target of malicious attacks, advanced technology, and machine learning allow for detecting multiple points of entry be they of low or high importance. Identifying, patching, and regular audits require dedicated, highly skilled resources to protect your network environment.

Tell Us About Your Security Challenges

Partnering with EITS means you’re getting the best security professionals available driven to keeping your data safe from present and future threats. Our clients find that increased productivity and less downtime result in our services pay for themselves.
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